Surgical correction of congenital esotropia alternating and subsequent abnormal correspondence retinal: a case report
Introduction: Accomodative esotropia is secondary to inappropriate convergence during accomodative effort in an uncorrected hyperope and is often familial.
Case presentation: we report the case of 20 year old Caucasian patient with congenital esotropia alternating, of 30 prism diopters distance (5 m) and 40 prism diopters of esotropia at near, in both eyes.
Measures: Was performed strabismus, in peribulbar anesthesia, the right medial rectus was cashed 3.0mm, the left medial rectus was collected 3.5 mm.
Results: Immediately after surgery, the patient complained of intermittent diplopia, resolved with orthotic exercise which stimulated binocular vision,
Conclusion: This case report suggests that the surgical correction strabismus, should be considered with due caution in the treatment of congenital esotropia alternating and branches, and in some clinical scenarios selected to avoid the complication of postoperative diplopia, that in the case report resolved so benign. After three months surgical treatmen, remains a small angle strabismus aesthetically acceptable, has not given double vision and remains abnormal retinal correspondence with orthotic exercise.