Cardiovascular risk in young adult people: a research protocol

  • Anila Imeshtari Università La Sapienza
  • Valentin Imeshtari
Keywords: Cardiovascular risk, coronary heart disease, Framingham score, score CUORE, prevention


Background: Cardiovascular diseases are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. They are the most frequent cause of death in Italy and in the world. While the CV risk has been reduced in adults and the elderly thanks to increasingly innovative therapies, there seems to be an increase of this risk among young adults. CDVs affect not only global mortality rates, but also the quality of life of the population. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that more than 75% of fatal outcome CVDs could be prevented by implementing appropriate lifestyle changes. That is why it is important to measure this risk.

Objective: The purpose of this work is to map the 10-years cardiovascular risk in health care workers of the Umberto I polyclinic and to identify the factors associated with it in order to be able to design and implement interventions in the working environment that can lead to a reduction of this risk.

Methods: The information will be collected through the compilation of the medical record through anamnestic narration and laboratory haemato-biochemical analyses. The collected data will be entered into a database and analyzed with the help of statistical software SPSS for Windows10, version 25.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis will be performed.

Conclusions: This research protocol will be useful for assessing CV risk in 10-years and its possible related factors in young people. This information will be used to implement appropriate prevention measures in order to reduce this risk.
