Assessment of knowledge regarding airways protection devices use: a questionnaire validation.

  • Cristiana Iannelli Department of Public health and infectious Diseases Sapienza University of Rome
  • Giuseppe La Torre
Keywords: mask, questionnaire, validation, italy


Background: Purpose of our research is the validation of a questionnaire to assess knowledge of personal protective equipment (PPE) use in airways protection. 

Methods: The questionnaire is composed of 29 items and has been submitted twice to 23 subjects (14F, 9M) over a 2-3 days interval.

Cronbach alpha statistical test has been used to assess over time reproducibility and items homogeneity.

Results: Statistical analysis demonstrates significant reliability with a Cronbach Alpha value of 0.991, placing the questionnaire in the highest test’s reliability range.

Conclusions:  Results of our study demonstrate that our questionnaire is reliable in terms of internal consistency, both for degree of correlation between items and for over time reproducibility.

