Arsenic pollution in food and water: an overview

  • Agostino Messineo
  • Alessandra Romano
  • Ilaria Rocchi
  • Giuseppe La Torre
Keywords: Arsenic, water, food, pollution


Drinking water pollution sustained by Arsenic (As) is a phenomenon mainly connected to the geological characteristics of the soil in Italy (i.e., Viberbo, Monte Amiata, basin of the Lazio volcano) as well as in the world (in Bengal in India, wells in Mongolia, in the Delta of the Red River in Vietnam and in the Chaco Pampean in Argentina, sites in Nevada and Arizona in the USA and wells at Ron Phibun in Thailand). This aspect is also joined by industrial pollution in other areas (Taranto, Gela). This results in significant negative effects from a health point of view, as As is a carcinogen (IARC group 1) and an endocrine corruptor. The Italian situation is described, characterized by the existence, in the province of Viterbo, of municipalities still involved due to levels of contamination and the situation of a large area, called the "Lazio volcanic basin” where since 2004 significant concentrations of arsenic have been reported in the past. drinking water. The construction of arsenic abatement systems or with adduction of water from other aquifers and with the strengthening of the water network has contributed to the reduction of the risk.  In the municipalities with higher exposure levels (VT = As> 20μg / L) an excess of mortality was observed overall for all tumor causes. In excess, lung tumors and bladder cancer in men. In addition to an excess of mortality due to arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease , COPD  and Diabetes  demonstrating the potential effects of As on the cardiovascular system. The implementation of food self-control practices on the water supply system, the training and information of citizens, the implementation wherever possible of arsenic removal systems in water (adsorption, membrane or precipitation processes), study and control of aquifers and aqueducts will constitute the fundamental prerequisites for the implementation of optimal interventions of real prevention.
