Impact of central auditory processing rehabilitation on literacy and phonological awareness skills in dyslexic children with central auditory processing disorder: a quasi-experimental interventional study

  • Rana Adel ElShafaei assistant lecturer of Phoniatrics AlexU
  • Hesham Kozou
  • Riham Maghraby
  • Nesrine Hamouda
Keywords: central auditory processing disorder, dyslexia, rehabilitation, children


Background: (Central) auditory processing disorder (C)APD and learning disorders such as dyslexia are common comorbidities. Furthermore, there is extensive evidence that rehabilitation of (C)APD disorder might improve reading and phonological skills.

Methods: In a quasi-experimental interventional study assessment pre-therapy and post-therapy was done using the Arabic dyslexia assessment test and phonological awareness assessment. The children received the Arabic version of  “differential processing training program” as a form of comprehensive auditory processing disorder training.

Results: Children demonstrated better scores on assessment tools post-therapy.

Conclusions: (Central) auditory processing remediation has an impact on phonological awareness, literacy and hence academic achievement. 
