Developmental Defects of Enamel: an increasing reality in the everyday practice

  • Fabrizio Guerra
  • Marta Mazur
  • Denise Corridore
  • Mauro Capocci
  • Livia Ottolenghi
Keywords: Developmental defects of enamel (DDE);, enamel hypoplasia;, enamel hypomineralization;, fluorosis;, minimal invasive dentistry;


defects of enamel (DDE) are daily encountered in clinical practice. DDE are alteration in quality and quantity of
the enamel, caused by disruption and/or damage to the enamel organ during the amelogenesis process. Several clinical indices have
been developed to categorize enamel defects based on their nature, appearance, microscopic features or their cause. The aetiology of
DDE is not completely clear. Enamel fluorosis is a hypo-mineralization of enamel characterised by subsurface porosity as a result of
excess fluoride intake during the period of enamel formation. Several types of treatment have been reported, related to the degree of
enamel defect. Correct diagnosis according to lesion depth and prognosis of the technique are fundamental factors in the treatment
decision-making process.
