Labels Impact Index (LII): an Italian version of a tool to assess the impact of advertisement on tobacco products
The Labels Impact Index (LII) score is a tool to evaluate the impact of health warnings of tobacco products. This score was tested in
France, Germany, the Netherlands and UK to measure the effectiveness of the text-only health warnings.
The present study aims to propose an Italian version of this tool to support future researches on the health warning and to facilitate the
comparison using the same questions.
Four items are translated in Italian: salience, harm, quitting and forgo. The questionnaire includes one question for each item and a
multiple-choice answer, to correspond a four/five-point scales, is available for each question. The LII score can vary from 0 to 28.
An international standardized tool, as the LII score, is fundamental to compare the impact of health warnings in different countries
and to enforce policies to oppose the tobacco epidemic.