Physical inactivity in Italian Society

  • Daniele Masala
  • Maria Gabriella De Santis
  • Paola Alonzo
Keywords: Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, education, physical activity


Today's society is characterized by interpersonal networks increasingly complex and globalized; by rapidity of the daily changes,
dictated by new technologies; from productivity and trade continuosly changing and growing. All this creates an educational and
formative distance between generations with the consequent neglect of adults towards children. The latter appear to be, unknowingly,
victims of consumerism and technology, no longer practice movement, physical activity or sport. The society, therefore, perhaps because
responsible for all this, wonders about problems regarding these behaviors since, the result is physical inactivity, laziness, lack of
exercise, overweight and obesity. These elements compounded by unavoidable and related pathological complications.
